The Online Auslan courses are run by Susan McConnell (Deaf) with Teacher of the Deaf and LOTE Auslan qualifications.

The Auslan signs used in this website are from the Victorian state, which uses South Dialect Auslan.

We are adding North Dialect Auslan.  For more information about it, click here.

Some Auslan signs in Australia are different from state to state, however most Deaf people have no problem understanding each other. If you are from a state other than Victoria, you may like to double check the signs with someone who is knowledgeable about Auslan in your state.

For Auslan tutors, if you would like to teach Auslan using our online courses, please check our FAQ page to see if you qualify.


Thank you so much for visiting, I hope you enjoy learning about Auslan, the language of the Deaf community in Australia :)



If you are a teacher and looking for Auslan resources for teaching in schools,
you may find www.auslanresources.com.au useful.